Saturday 17 October 2009

Cekik Darah...


Recently, I read my friend's status on FB. She's complaining of milk production is low. Jangan pulak terkejutzz tetiba cerita pasal susu. Actually, she's nursing her baby with help of very high quality MEDELA PISA. pergh!!! check this out

PErgh!!! harga dia kat UK £215.

She bought RM1500 in Malaysia.

Yet, her baby only 4 months old but her milk production has reduced.

bukan apa... as a succesful mother who breastfed my children up to 2 and half years old... aku rasa macam membazir duit ajer. Dulu aku pakai breastpump cap 'Ayam' jer pon.hehhe....
Ada jual ke cap 'ayam'.. ??ala.. pakai pureen aje baru RM50. pastu aku suh my husband bought me adapter so that, I dont need batteries that only last for one day.

hehhe... kalau aku dipanggil bagi ceramah pasal breasfeeding sure company2 nie mengamuk ngan aku. Well, they encourage breasfeed but their product too pricey...

and the lastest one I just checked from Medela website ada Breastpump fresstyle. kat Msia harga dia RM1700. Yang ini katanya, kalau memandu pon boleh pam susu lagi. WAH!!! WAH!!! maybe for new mother, they will buy it for the sake of giving the best food for their baby. But, they should understand that the milk production stimulation is not because of the good breastpump. It's all from your mindset.

Advices for those who want to success in breastfeeding:

1. Try to start breastfeed as soon as possible (1 hour) after give birth. Memanglah penat meneran belum habis. tapi takkan nak bior jer nurse tu susu anak korang ngan botol.

2. If you baby sleep more than 3 hours, wake him up and feed him. Tapi kalau dia nak tido gak, korang must make sure korang perah susu tu simpan.

3. Feed your newborn baby every 2-3 hours to increase milk production.

4. Make sure you are comfortable when you feed your newborn, and emotionally relax and calm.

5. Kalau korang bersalin kat swasta, sure dia tak bagi baby korang tido ngan korang dengan harapan ibu kena relax... tapi korang yg rugi. So, susuilah anak anda.

6. IMPORTANT> MIND SET... my milk is always sufficient for my baby. Dont ever think it's not enough.

banyak lagi advice nie.. tapi takpelah...

p/s : dulu Prof Harlina Harlizah ada panggil I suruh bagi ceramah about breastfeed kat UKM, but I was busy at that time. katanya 'susah nak cari professional yang boleh breasfed baby mcm aku' ~ kembanglah sekejap kena puji.

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