Saturday, 20 February 2010

Naim's Progress


Naim and his speech problems.... went to his check up last Thursday.

Naim's Paediatrician impressed with his progress. Now, he can balanced himself on one foot longer than 10 second and could jump on one foot more than 15 jumps. Credit to my husband yang 'sabar'... everyday do the exercise routine for Naim to develop his low muscle tone problem.

On the other hand, He realized that feet are flat.  Cuba tengok kaki korang, ada space kan bila jejak lantai kat tengah2 tapak tue.... Naim punya kaki, flat jer... takde notch tu. Naim will be referred to Ortho... apantah namanyer... (specialty in foot problem), so that Naim will get special design shoe for his feet. Not really special shoe, but kind of a design to create a depression for his feet while he's still growing. special insole for shoe lah... lebih kurang.

After half an hour, his speech therapist joined the appointment. Again, both of them, testing his understanding and languange ability. They found as he's only 1 year in school and abled to understand good English, they found Naim has no mental or learning difficulties. Alhamdulillah...  His intelectual was campatible with 7 years old kids. That really impressed me. But, both of them concluded that Naim has 'specific' problems in speech. They were not sure this could effect his learning ability in future, as he grows. He might not need special teacher to teach him. They can't really tell.

From Naim's class teacher opinion: she said that Naim are capable to learn as normal student. She don't thinks Naim need special school.

So, as conclusion, yang aku boleh buat, Naim is Ok, normal but delayed in speech with ''specific' difficulties. tapi my husband kata, kalau Naim dah boleh baca, maknanya, lepas nie, dia dah boleh sebut betul2, insyallah semua akan ok.. for the time being, we try our best to speak 100% bahasa melayu kat dia. tapi dia akan reply english lah... hehe.. macam ayam ckp ngan itik...hehhe...

Yang penting, bila balik Msia nanti, aku akan dapat referral letter with all the result and diagnosis, so that, the paeds in KL, do not need to assess him all over again. maklumlah kat Msia, walaupon pergi specialist clinic, MO yang asess dulu, pastu baru refer pakar. Lega!!! sekurang2 nya kat sini everythings is free...


  1. tu tandanye die sesuwai duk kt scotland tuh..x mo balik KL dh...heheh..btw Alhamdulillah..sye tumpang Naim tu mase dtg umah sye mmg tak ckp melayu langsung pun kan..impressed gak Adib pun dh start ckp London accent..boleh la mak die blajar gak..;)

  2. Alhamdulillah. Insya Allah ok tu.. mak saya slalu ckp, biasanya budak lelaki lambat sket banding budak pompuan, bukan apa diorg kadangtuh malas. then bila dah skolah laju jer diorg kejar balik.

    owh btw pasal kaki straight tu. actually adik lelaki saya pon kaki dia cmtuh jugak. memang takde space kat bwh tpk kaki. tp so far Alhamdulillah ok, takde pulak dia komplen slalu jatuh ke apa.kasut pon dia pakai kasut biasa jer.. cuma kitorg slalu gelakkan dia je lar sebab pelik kan.. hehehehe

  3. naza: memang pon kadang2 saya ngan hubby learn new vocab dari dia... hehhe... Adib, dah masuk primary, sure berabuk nanti.

    wan: Naim dulu selalu jatuh, skrg jatuh tu dah kurang skit. Makin besar, makin ok. I believe, badan kita boleh adapt with every single thing yang kurang bila kita membesar. Tapi mmg budak lelaki ni, malas lah.. cakap berkali2 baru nak buat. cikgu dia pon cakap mcm tue...

  4. Alhamdullillah ,harap Naim ok je ....ada kes anak buah akk mcm ni .....smua org ingat dia ada peroblem pelat,lambat dia dah kat Jordan buat medic .....x sangka.Doa yang terbaik untuk Naim.
