Friday 30 April 2010

Amsterdam and ABSTRACT

salam...cerita study... jgn baca kalo rasa serabut...

Alhamdulillah... I submitted my Abstract for the ADEE conference this August. Hopefully it will be accepted.
Amsterdam... Here I come...!!!!
'over'lah pulak.. belum tentu diterima. Just wait and pray.

Gratitude to my SV, though he said that:
'when I read your email on Monday, I think it was impossible to write an abstract within 1 week (dateline is 1st May), but at the end we managed to do so' terus terang je dia ckp direct..... It was my mistake did not tell him early that I'm interested because I was busy2 with Nawal and logbook and MFDS... and I was thinking of 'Raya' in Malaysia. I was on dilemma to decide. 2 days before my SV came back from his 2 weeks easter break, my husband gave his 'greenlight' and allow me to stay for this conference. Sayang my hubby!!! Actually, as a good wife, I don't plan to go unless he agreed so.

Without any guide, I wrote own abstract while waiting for my SV. And... I thought, he knew that I'm really into it, ... Aku rasa, kalau aku tak buat draft tu, sure dia takkan tolong aku... maybe sebab I put my own effort. Then he helped me modified my draft.... sampai siap.

At the end, he send my abstract to his collegues who are superior and asked for comments. I was surprised with all urgent reply from them. [Of courselah Ada cc email diorng tu kepada email aku....] I guess, that's the way they work and put professionalism as academician as their priority.  I guess I should have the same attitude... kena bawak balik Msia 'attitude' nie. Boleh ke? Malaysia boleh!!!

While everybody are finalizing their thesis + preparing for binding , I'm stuck!!! I can't proceed. My supervisor has not reply anything yet, and it has been 1 week. He's really2 busy... Although, I finished all the major things, I can't start my proove reading. I guess I just follow his plan, after the MFDS exam, he will start the sit together with me for proove reading. I'm a bit worry, sempat ke nak siap... urrm...

Almost 80% completed, but suddenly today, my sooo.... 'organize' coordinator gave a new guideline. RASA nak marah sgt... so, I need to adjust everything that I have done... FUH!!!!
I hate when I have plan everything but someone somehow try to change at the very last minute, then I need to re-plan my work then...
Takpelah... sbb dia coordinator, so ikut jelah... kang tak GRAD pulak aku nie...

 Here My abstract to share:
Aims: The aim was to produce a chronological review of hydrodynamic hypotheses .......
Materials and Methods: The study involved reviewing historical manuscripts, journals and books from the 18th century until the late 20th century.
Conclusions: This review indicates a subliminal awareness of the potential for dentinal fluid/tubules to be relevant to dentine sensitivity, a century or more before it was formally recognised. We suggest that teaching this historical context might be informative to future dental students since understanding the origins of knowledge as well as obtaining knowledge should be fundamental to university education.


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