Last 2 weeks was the most tiring week for me. Travelled to search for my reserach materials in Edinburgh's University Library. Even though, I stayed in Premier Inn Hotel and I could claim all my expenses, but it wasn't enjoyable at all + gloomy and wintery weather. EXHAUSTED!!!
My SV said, 'enjoy ur stay in Edin'... Fuh!! How could I enjoy myself, if I left my kids @ home. They joined me, one the second day and arrived Edin around 5.00pm. Initial plan was 2 nights stay in edin, ended up for 3 days instead.
The only best part of the trip, I went to Spanish Restaurant with one of my friends before I started my 2 days marathon search in the library. Photo tak sempat snap.. sebab tengah lapar sangat2. I was there [library] from 9.00 to 5.00 , okey??
Last week, still I need to travel there, but this time I travelled alone, one whole day. Woke up late at 7.30am, (hanya dengan niat mandi pagi + berus gigi+ pakai baju baru solat subuh)... rushed to train station before 8.20am. Fuh!!! dengan lappy yang berat, I arrieved on time. This time I finished early, then went to Edinburgh mosque to perfrom Zohor + Asar (jamak).
Surprisingly, a lot of Scottish teenagers, was hanging around in the mosques area, smoking, eating, drinking... geram jer aku rasa... tapi itulah hakikat, mungkin mereka lebih selesa lepak2 kat masjid sambil dengar azan. Mudah2an Allah berikan hidayah buat mereka.
Unfortunately, the ladies prayer's room is located at the third floor. Climbing the stairs made my legs cramped and aching... with my laptop on my back, when I arrived Dundee safely, I got all backpains ++, Alhamdulillah, malam tu ada Cik abang tolong urut badan + kaki... [Dalam mosque ni, ada incident bertemu orang Melayu sombong, takyah citerlah... buang masa jer...]
Now, recovering stage, tahap malas nak start my writing again... Hopefully, by Monday... everythings back to normal....
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