Wednesday 28 July 2010

How I survived- part 2

entry ni dah lama tulis cuma tak post jer... terlupa hehhe...


This time let’s share my birth experience in TelagaSembilan hospital Ninewells Hospitals Dundee. This is among the best Hospital in Britain and first in Scotland. Almaklumlah, university hospital with all the researchs and new technology equipped.

It already almost 4 months, but I never too late to share good things, tough!

OK! This was the bed when I first
came to hospital. At that time, I had
irregular contraction pain every
5-10 minutes with ‘show’.
But, after waiting about 1 hour
with very entertaining drinks
‘air kosong sejuk berais’ on my bed,
the nice Chinese Malaysian Doctor
asked me to go back and wait for water break.

So, we went home and hoping and waiting… waiting and waiting for water break. That night I didn’t sleep well because I’m in labour pain.

Masa nie berdoalah macam-macam, call mak-mak mertua di Malaysia, minta permudahkan dan ampun dosa-dosaku. Dah hari kedua sakit, berdramalah kat kaki my husband, minta ampun kat dia, pasal apa dah sakit + ada show, tapi tak bersalin-salin nie. Maklumlah anak-anak yang sebelum nie, sakit kejap, terus bersalin. The third one was totally different experience.

Well, see the date and time of the photo!
My bed for the second time I went to the hospital with pain but without leaking or water break.

This time Gwen, the midwife timed my contraction. Siap tengok jam berapa kerap dan berapa panjang my contraction.

Pastu, berlaku conversation ini antara aku dan Gwen.

Gwen : where do you stay ? (intro dia nak suruh aku balik)
Me: Brown Street, Dundee.
Gwen: Oo!! It just about 5-10 minutes from here. (dalam hati aku.. aku dah sakit ni, ko nak suruh aku balik gak ker…)





Me: yeah, it’s near but we don’t have car. We took taxi. (harapan aku supaya aku boleh stay kat bed ni, sampai bersalin)

Gwen: I won’t ask you to leave if you don’t want to. But, we need to make sure this bed in not occupied.     Err… Maybe you can go and have a drink or take a walk… It could encourage labour.

Me: A walk!!! (giler apa aku dah sakit2 mcm ni nak suruh aku jenjalan lagi…yang ni aku cakap dlm hati jer lah…).

At the same time I tried to convince her that I knew it’s time already. Almaklumlah my second baby, sakit takde langsung. Ada ‘show’ pagi, pastu ketuban pecah kat katil labour room, tak sampai beberapa minit pastu aku bersalin. Dalam keadaan nurse kat Msia waktu tu, tried to clean the floor, tetiba je Najwa dah nak kuar… kelam-kabut dibuatnya, nasib baik suami ada tolong dia.

So dengan hati yang duka + sedey.. aku pon berjalan lah ke café hospital dalam keadaan sakit-sakit tue.

So, lepas minum-minum share hot chocolate with my husband, we decided to just sit in the hospital foyer/main entrance. I sat, then a minutes after that...JENG! JENG! JENG!
my water broke…at around pukul 7.15 malam. Ppergh!!! I’m wet already. And the contraction now more intense and it was URGING…

Maka, berlari-larilah my husband cari wheelchair, kat basement area nak kena naik turun lift lah pulak, tapi aku cakap ‘tak payah!!! Dah tak sempat dah nie… baik jalan jer.’

Masa sakit datang, Tuhan je yang tahu… aku sangat-sangat takut ‘terbersalin’ kat pintu hospital… macam kes kat England dulu.

dan berjalanlah kami di lorong ini....

JAUH WEI>>>...

Alhamdulillah, sempat gak sampai kat labour room.

The photo was taken 10 mintes before I gave birth to Nawal. Masa ni dah tenang skit, bak kata Gwen midwife yang sambut Nawal “CALM before STORM”

At 19:59 Nawal was born. Alhamdulillah….

Bersambung... part 3.

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